Tricks help your dog to 'learn how to learn'. If your dog can learn tricks, then he or she can learn obedience and good manners. Go ahead...have some fun and teach your dog a trick!
The best way to teach your dog a trick, is to make if fun for her. Use praise and small treats to reward your dog.
Practice new tricks only a few minutes at a time. You never want your dog to get bored when learning new things.
Shake Hands
Start by having your dog sit. Say, "Shake hands," and take their paw with your hand. Hold their paw and say, "Good dog!" Let go of their paw. Do this a few times every day.
Choose a game that your dog loves to play, like catch with a ball, or hide and seek with a toy. Then get them excited by saying, "Let's play! Want to play?" and show them the ball or toy. Jump and act silly so they barks and then say, "Good dog, speak!" Then play the game as their reward for learning "Speak".
Play Dead
Have your dog lie down on their tummy. As you gently roll them over on their side, say, "Take a nap." While they are lying on their side, keeping their head on the floor, say, "Take a nap." Don't give them a treat. Encourage them to stay there for a couple of seconds. Then say, "Ok" or "Wake up!", let them stand up, and give them their reward.
Have your dog sit, facing you. Hold their favorite treat just above their head and tell them, "Say please." Your dog will probably lift their front feet off the ground to reach the treat. As soon as the feet are lifted, even a little bit, give them the treat.
Here's an easy one: Every time your dog licks your face, say, "Give me a kiss. Good boy or girl! Give me a kiss." If he/she isn't a licker, put a little peanut butter on your cheek and say, "Give me a kiss." When he/she licks it off say, "Give me a kiss," again.
Roll Over
Start by having your dog lie down on their belly. You can stand over them or kneel beside them. Using a treat, hold it by their nose, and then move it around and behind them, so that they lie on their side and then rolls over. Tell them what a great dog he/she is!
If your dog doesn't fetch naturally, have an adult cut a slit in a tennis ball (a smaller, rubber ball if that is too big). Put some treats inside the tennis ball. Show your dog that there are treats in there, and give them one. Then, throw the ball. In the beginning, run with them and get the ball; then give them the treat. Soon you will be able to throw the ball and they will go get it (because they want the treat!).
Come (to a whistle)
Have your dog sit in front of you. Using a dog whistle from your local pet store, blow it once and give your dog a treat. Do this several times and repeat several times during the day. Repeat this over several days, trying it a increased distances. Your dog should soon be running to you every time he hears the whistle.